We protect people’s life with professional medical devices.

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Rapid tests for self-testing at home for consumers, available in well-equipped pharmacies.

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In the heart of the COVID-19 pandemic, a beacon of hope emerged in the form of H&W Biotech Oy, a health technology company set out to empower individuals and ease the burden on healthcare sectors. Our brand story is one of resilience, innovation, and an unwavering commitment to quality.

H&W Biotech Oy was born out of necessity, sparked by the global health crisis that shook the world to its core. Amidst the confusion and fear of the COVID-19 pandemic, we recognized a pressing need and a remarkable opportunity: the urgent demand for user-friendly self-testing solutions. Our initial focus was the development and distribution of COVID-19 test kits, which proved instrumental in providing a rapid, reliable, and friendly diagnosis process. These kits allowed individuals to take control of their health, and, in turn, helped alleviate the extraordinary pressure on healthcare providers during these challenging times.

Our sales activities started in Germany, and Austria, since  at the beginning of the pandemic, in these countries, there was a desire to make self-administered rapid tests available to everyone in order to control the pandemic through widespread testing. As the pandemic progressed, top experts in Finland also saw self-administered rapid testing as an opportunity to slow down the spread of the pandemic and reduce the burden on healthcare.

This pandemic profoundly transformed people’s health habits, bringing health and wellness to the forefront of everyone’s minds. We understood that change wasn’t temporary; it represented a significant shift in our society’s approach to healthcare. This insight led us to expand beyond COVID-19 testing, harnessing this newfound awareness to introduce an extensive range of home testing products. From managing chronic conditions to early detection of potential health issues, our aim has always been to make health management easily accessible, thereby relieving the strain on healthcare resources.

Our brand, H&W Biotech Oy, is a proof of our commitment to quality and user-friendly products. Our wide selection of point of care devices and rapid tests not only serve as health tools but also as a protective wing defending individuals and their health, encapsulated by our emblematic Healthwing logo. The Healthwing symbolizes our enduring promise to safeguard the wellbeing of our consumers by providing them the tools to control their health journey.

Each product we create upholds the standards of high quality, user-friendliness, and efficacy that define our brand. But beyond these tangible characteristics, we aim to create a sense of trust and empowerment. We strive to remind individuals that they are not helpless in the face of health concerns; they have the capacity to monitor their health, using the tools we provide.

The pandemic’s disruptive wave has not been all about chaos and despair; it has also paved the way for innovation and brought about a revolution in health consciousness. At H&W Biotech Oy, we’ve seized this opportunity to create a brand that stands at the intersection of health technology and personal empowerment.

As we look towards the future, our mission remains clear: to develop high-quality, user-friendly point of care rapid tests for consumers and diagnostic devices for proferssionals that improve people’s lives. We believe in the potential of individuals to take more responsibility for their health, and in the tools we provide, symbolized by our Healthwing logo, to aid in this endeavor. This is our brand story, and we invite you to join us on this journey towards a healthier, more empowered society. Our wings are always open.