Fluorescence Immunoassay Analyzer – Finecare FIA Meter II Plus SE (FS-114)

This medical device can be used for over 50 quantitative and qualitative screening tests (see the table). Screening using the FinecareTM FIA Meter II is easy, consisting of four simple steps:

  1. Collect appropriate amount of your sample
  2. Mix the sample with the test buffer (depending on test type)
  3. Add the mixture to the test cassette
  4. Insert the cassette into the FinecareTM FIA Meter II Plus device.

The device then calculates the analyte concentration by measuring the fluorescence intensity. The result will be ready in as little as 3 minutes, but no longer than 15 minutes.

The device is CE-marked. The device is manufactured by Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co., Ltd.